Saturday, February 17, 2007

دا شعب فقري

شعر: أحمد فؤاد نجم
نظرا لأن النعمة فاقت حدها
ولإننا مش قدها
ولأن فعلا إنجازاتك
فوق طاقتنا نعدها
ولأننا غرقنا فى جمايل
مستحيل حنردها
نستحلفك ....... نسترحمك
نستعطفك .......نستكرمك
ترحمنا من طلعة جنابك حبتين
عايزين نجرب خلقة تانية ولو يومين
أسمع بقى
إحنا زهقنا من النعيم
ونفسنا فى يومين شقى
عايزين نجرب الاضطهاد
ونعوم ونغرق فى الفساد
بينى وبينك حضرتك
دا شعب فقرى مايستحقش جنتك
أنا عارفه شعب ما ينفعوش
إلا شارون وبلير وبوش
عايز يجرب الإمتهان
ويعيش عميل للأمريكان
بيمد "غازه" لإسرائيل
ويومين كمان ويمد نيل
أهو يعنى نشرب مية واحدة
ندوب فى بعض
ماء وماء وماء
ونفض سيرة الانتماء
وبلاها نعرة وطنطنة
تبقى البلاد "مستوطنة "
(متسلطنة بالسرطنة)
إية اللى خدناه م الكرامة والإباء
حبة خطب وكلام...كلام
إحنا راهنا على النظام
ورضينا بخيار السلام
حنسد عين الشمس بيه
علشان مايطلعش النهار
ويطلع لمين؟
حبة معارضة مغرضين؟
وحسب بيان السلطة شلة مأجورين؟
ياعم فضك سيرة
وارضى بقسمتك
دا شعب مش فاهم أكيد
يالا أطرده من رحمتك
وإن كنت غاوى الحكم
خليك مطرحك
هاغطس واقب وأعود
بشعب يريحك
راضى وعمره مايجرحك
أخرس وما يسمعش
وأعميلك عنيه
مش كل قرش يبص
مايقولش لأه / وفين / وليه
يضرب ينفض فى السليم
وعلى الصراط المستقيم
كل اللى يعرف ينطقه
عاش الزعيم
يحيا الزعيم

Thursday, February 1, 2007

يبقى انت اكيد فى مصر

Today I will continue talking about our beloved country , by the way, I have nothing against Egypt , but for one sure thing, I hate the Egyptians for so many reasons. This doesn't imply that I am a perfect person, I do so many mistakes although I am trying to minimize their occurance.

Back to the story , last week, couple of my friends and I were out at el mokatam, and we lost our way back, until we were stopped by "lagna". the officer asked my friend to show the car license, unfortunately my friend has bought the car recently and its papers were not complete, so he had a paper to prove that the car is his. The officer asked us to step out of the car, and started to inspect us and the car as well. Then he turned to us and began the most ridiculous act I have ever seen, he said you should go to the police station and do some sort of weird stuff, and that we should be punished, he kept us there for half an hour.
Then my other friend suggested that we should give him some money and he will spare our souls :)
so , we agreed to do so. Then he told the police officer that we want to end this problem peacefully, so we gave him 20 L.E. and said to him the dirty "kol sana wenta tayeb" phrase.
He gave us our IDs back and told us not to repeat it again.

The conclusion :
1- Law is law, it should have been applied.

2- Law is not blind nor stupid, we had a proof that the car was ours, so there was no need for this tragedy.

3- I suggest as a solution that the officer should have some sort of communication with the traffic department or whatever they call it,so that he can call them and ask for the car's owner name, and give us a ticket as a punishment for not having license.
I don't see a reason prevents applying this solution, if there is really an intention to make people's life easier

4- Egyptian police is corrupted, if not th whole system is corrupted. I have a feeling that corruptions go through our vains along with blood.

This sort of corruption is present everywhere now in governmental institutions, unless you bribe people, non of your work is going to be done.