Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Class Conflict

It will be a long post ,, But I hope you will have the patience to read it till the end

Lately they have decided in my collage to introduce new learning system called (el ta3leem el motamayez )

Which means that the students would pay more money to receive better quality education, they pay around 12,000 L.E. per year,

The concept of the presence of two quality level of education in the same governmental institution and the same location would lead to many problems, which actually started yesterday.

There was a football match in the collage between this (2e3dady motamayez) team and students from 4th year computer department, the match ended by the 4th year team wining. That’s where the problem began, the freshmen could not accept the fact that they would lose from regular people who don’t pay that much money.

A fight began between the two teams for no obvious reasons other than class conflict (sera3 tabaky) between two classes that may have no difference at all except that one class pay more that the other to get better service

Another Note : One boy told the other ( Don’t you know who I am) , well who the hell do you think you are !!!

I am not against have different quality of education, but for one sure thing, they shouldn’t be held at the same place.

By the way , every thing in our country is getting more expensive, except human beings are getting cheaper.

Thanks for your time

Friday, December 1, 2006


First of all , I would like to thank you for spending your precious time reading my blog
Secondly ,, The title may be a little miss leading
One day I was in my friends car driving through the crowded roads of our beloved Egypt
I kept watching the behavior of the people in the street . I have noticed couple of things
1. drivers are stupid 2. Pedstrains are more stupid
nobody respects the rules the traffic lights nor the others
Car drivers wish to run down the Pedstrains, and the Pedstrains wish to walk in the middle of the street closing their eyes
I told my friend what I have noticed.
He replied sarcastically " THIS IS EGYPOLOGY"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Salah Jahin

I kept thinking how to start ,, and found no better way than Salah Jahin ( best of ) :)

حاسب من الاحزان و حاســـــــب لها

حاسب علي رقابيك من حبلـــــــــــها

راح تنتهي و لابد راح تنتهــــــــــي

مش انتهت أحزان من قبلهــــــــــا؟

عجبي !!!

يأسك و صبرك بين إيديك و انت حر

تيأس ما تيأس الحياه راح تــــــــمر

أنا دقت مندا ومندا عجبي لقيــــــت

الصبر مر و برضك اليـأس مـــــــر

عجبي !!

ولدي نصحتك لما صوتي اتنبــــــــــــح

ما تخفش من جني و لا من شبـــــــــح

و ان هب فيك عفريت قتيل إسألـــــــــه

ما دافعش ليه عن نفسه يوم ما اندبح

عجبي !!